
The "Scorpion venom" is the costliest liquid in the world, which costs around 39 million dollars (290.26 crore Indian rupees) a gallon or more than 10 million dollars a liter.

The "Scorpion venom" is the costliest liquid in the world, which costs around 39 million dollars (290.26 crore Indian rupees) a gallon or more than 10 million dollars a liter.  Yes, you read that right. The "Deathstalker scorpion" has the costliest venom in the world. These scorpions are yellow and are about 30 to 77 millimeters in length and are also known as the Palestine yellow scorpion, Omdurman scorpion, Naqab desert scorpion, and many more other names. Such a high price of their poison makes them the most expensive liquid in the world. Their poison is so expensive because these scorpions are one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Due to which it is not easy to get their poison. And despite being among the most dangerous creatures, their poison is extracted by hands, Which is not easy and is a very dangerous and risky job and very few people like to do that. And despite being so risky, these scorpions can prepare only 2 mg of poison at a

The richest village in India has a GDP of almost 1,32,000 dollars per person.

The richest village in India has a GDP of almost 1,32,000 dollars per person. Yes, you read that right. The name of this village is Madhapar, located in the Kutch district of Gujarat India. The total number of people living in this village is less than 100,000 but the money deposited in the bank of this village is almost 5000 crores..!!! Yes, you read that right. The village has a GDP of around 1,32,000 dollars or more than 98 lakhs Indian rupees per person. It is believed that Madhapur is not only the richest village of India but also the richest village in southern Asia. The reason behind the prosperity of this village is the love of the villagers towards their village. Agriculture plays a very important role in the economy of the village and this is not it, the second main reason behind the prosperity of this village is the people from this village living in foreign countries, used to deposit their money in India which has made Madhapar one of the richest villages in te

The small curly hair-like shapes that we see on buddha's head are not hairs

The small curly hair-like shapes that we see on buddha's head are not hairs. They are dry snails who sacrificed their lives to attain enlightenment to lord buddha. Yes, you read that right. There is a small story behind this. The great lord buddha who started the very oldest and very famous religion, "BUDDHISM '', was once meditating under a tree. It was a sunny day, and Buddha was deeply engrossed in his meditation. But as time passed, the temperature also increased, and soon the sun lined up on buddha's head. Even though lord buddha was meditating under a tree, the rays were coming directly to buddha's head. And the Buddhist monks used to make themselves bald to keep their body and mind as instructed in "Vinayaka Pitaka Granth " out of the "Tripitaka". And it is believed that the time buddha was meditating under the tree, he was bald. A snail passing from there saw Buddha and he noticed that the rays of the sun were falling dir

There is an interesting book known as everything men know about women

There is an interesting book known as everything men know about women, published in June 1988. This is a 128 pages book written by Dr. Alan Francis in consultation with Cindy Cashman. According to the author, the book has answers to every question regarding women. About their mood, emotional intimacy, how to romance with them,  how to make her your friend, about their commitments, how to satisfy them in bed, and almost everything. And the most interesting fact about this book is that it is completely blank. Yes you read it right the book is completely blank, and this is not it, the more interesting fact about the book is that it is one of the best seller books worldwide, you can even check its rating online. The interesting thing to learn from this book is that no one knows everything about women. you can"t even predict her mood and her reaction to any particular thing.

how the type of blood group is determined

If not then you are in the right place. Our blood group is determined based on special kinds of proteins that are present on the surface of red blood cells and in our plasma known as the antigens and the antibodies. If there is A-antigen present on the surface of RBC along with anti-B antibodies in the plasma then the blood type is “A”. If there is B-antigen present on the surface of RBC and anti-A antibodies in the plasma then the blood type is “B”. If there are both the A-antigen and B-antigen present on the surface of RBC and without any antibodies then the blood type is “AB”. And if there is no A OR B antigen present on the surface of RBC then the blood type is “O”. And to determine if the blood type is positive or negative, “RH(rhesus) FACTOR” is used. The RH factor is nothing but again a special kind of protein that is present on the surface of RBC. If this protein is present on the surface of RBC, then the blood group is RHD positive or simply positive else negative.

some birds have very small blind spot

yes, you read that right. Rabbits, parrots, and chameleons can look at their back without rotating their head.  This is because they have their eyes placed on side of their head through which they have a very viewing field i.e. near about 360 degrees. they can even move their eyes independently by 360 degrees to keep their eyes on predictors. But as they have such a wide view they can't focus properly and can see thus they rotate their eyes continuously.

Your mobile charger costs less than a rupee to charge your mobile phone per day

Your mobile charger costs less than a rupee to charge your mobile phone per day. Yes, indeed, mobile chargers don’t cost you more than 20-30 rupees a year. Here we are talking about the normal 10-watt charger. If you charge your phone for about 2 hrs a day it will just consume 0.020 units or kWh of electricity. And if you charge your phone 2 hours a day for a year it will become 3.65 units which will cost around 25 rupees a year. ( by a unit rate of 3.5 rs/unit, note: these unit rates vary according to consumption).

Did you know ants can become zombies

Did you know ants can become zombies ..!! Yes, you read that right, scientists have found zombie ants in the Brazilian rainforests. This is because of the species of fungus that takes control over the body of ants by infecting them. This fungus starts eating the ants from inside and multiplies itself inside the ant's body and after some when the population of fungus is large enough to infect other ants it causes the ants to leave their colony by sending signals to the brain of ants as it hijacks its brain. Later onwards despite doing normal activities the infected ant finds a suitable ideal place for the fungus to grow, they find a special leaf, then the fungus forces the ant to bite it with a "death grip," which causes the ant to die. Later on, this fungus gets onto the leaf by getting out of the ant's body and starts growing there and producing little seeds like particles known as spores. Which are then ready to infect other ants. If an ant gets in conta

World's largest school is located in India.

World's largest school is located in India. Yes, the world's largest school is located in Lucknow India. The name of the school is city Montessori school Lucknow with over 56000 students, 4500 staff members, and more than 17 campuses in Lucknow.

world's most deadliest animal to humans are mosquitoes

The world's deadliest animal to humans are mosquitoes, yep you read that right. mosquitoes, the tiny bugs which use to suck blood from humans and other mammals are responsible to carry deadly viruses from maybe mammal to humans or human to human. Nearly 0.7 million to 1 million people die each year only because of mosquitoes, which is the highest of any animal. Even the rate of humans killed by humans is less than the rate of humans killed because of mosquitoes. This is because they carry deadly viruses such as dengue, malaria, chikungunya, yellow fever, Zika disease, West Nile disease, etc or even maybe any other diseases or viruses by which any person is affected that can be transferred to another person if the persons are bitten by the same mosquito. But let us tell you that male mosquitoes don’t spread such viruses, as they only feed on plant juices, whereas the female mosquitoes are only responsible for spreading such viruses as they use to suck blood from mammals.

India is the largest producer of mango in the World

India is the largest producer of mango in the World. During the fiscal year, 2020 India had produced almost 21 million metric tonnes of mangoes. And this rate is increasing year by year. Mango is the national fruit of India. Almost half of the mangoes produced by the whole world are cultivated in India alone. But although India is the largest producer of mangoes, it accounts for less than 1% of the international mango trade only, this is because India consumes most of its production of mangoes. These are the major mango-growing states in India I.E. Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu, where Uttar Pradesh (up) is on the top of the list with a production of 23.47 % of the total mangoes cultivated in India. The major exporters of mangoes in the year 2019-20 were UAE, UK, USA, OMAN, QATAR.

cats can hear ultrasonic sounds, yes you heard that right

cats can hear ultrasonic sounds, yes you heard that right. where a typical human can hear frequencies between 20 to 20,000 Hz ( which can also vary if someone has that gift from nature) cats can hear frequencies ranging between 55 Hz to 79 kHz which is even better than dogs as well as humans. Cat's have a very unique ears design to draw sound into the ear canal, which allows them to hear at such high frequencies. Also, they have extremely sensitive hearing capabilities which are even best in the range of 500 Hz to 32khz. But this is not it, The external visible ear of cats which is known as pinna functions both to catch and amplify the sound up to 2 - 3 times for frequencies in between 2 to 6 kHz. They can even rotate their ear (pinna) forward, backward, and sideways to determine where the sound is coming from. This is possible because cats have almost 32 muscles in their ears by which they can move their ears independently and even rotate them up to 180 degrees. But th

World's most expensive mango

                                    image  source World's most expensive mango: the Miyazaki mango also knows as the “egg of sun” or ‘Taiyo no damage in Japanese. Miyazaki mangoes are one of the most expensive mangoes in the world which were sold at a price of almost ₹2.70 lakh per kilogram in the international market in the year 2020. These mangoes were first grown in Japan in the city name ‘Miyazaki city ‘ on the island name “Kyushu” and now are widely grown in Southeast Asia. These mangoes are about 350g in weight and have 15% or higher natural sugar content, a very different appearance and color as compared to the other natural mangoes.  They like flaming red ruby red and with a perfectly round shape with a very sweet taste and positive natural contents like it are rich in antioxidants, contains beta-carotene and folic acid and it also helps in improving vision.

In space, if two pieces of the same metal come in contact with each other they will permanently fuse

In space, if two pieces of the same metal come in contact with each other they will permanently fuse. Yes, In space if two pieces of the same metal came in contact with each other they will permanently fuse. This process is called cold welding, caused by atomic diffusion. But on the condition that the two surfaces of similar metal should be perfectly smooth and corrosion-free and must be pressed together with some force. However, On earth, we have an atmosphere that is rich in oxygen, due to which a very small protective layer (corrosion ) is formed on different pieces of the same metal surfaces naturally ( oxidation ) so they don’t stick together. But, in space there is no such atmosphere or oxygen, thus the metal in space doesn't come to know that they are different pieces and get Fused. Due to the absence of the protective layer, The metal molecules don’t come to know that where is the end and where is starting of the metal. Due to which the electrons and atom molecu

Neptune takes nearly 165 Earth years to make one orbit of the Sun.

Neptune takes nearly 165 Earth years to make one orbit of the Sun. That’s almost 60,190 earth days. This is because Neptune is the 8th and farthest planet of our solar system, because of which it is having a very large orbit and also a very low orbital velocity of about 5.43 km/s. The distance between the sun and Neptune is about 4.4754 billion km.

Even though the ISS is in space still there is some gravity over there ..!! Do you know how..?

Even though the ISS is in space still there is some gravity over there ..!! Do you know how..? This is because the ISS i.e. the international space station revolves (orbits) around the earth at an altitude of about 400 kilometers or 250 miles. And at that much altitude, there is about 90% of the earth's gravity as compared to being on the surface. It is orbiting the earth at a speed of about 27,600 kph, by which it orbits the earth about 15.5 times each day. The International Space Station (ISS) is the biggest man-made structure i.e. in space with a massive size i.e. about 239.4 in length and 357.5 in width that is near about the same or a little bit greater than the football field, having a mass of about 419,725 kg.

on Venus snow means metal particles

It snow's on Venus, but metal snow..!!! As we know Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system where the average temperature of the surface is about 472 °C. This temperature is much enough to melt and vaporize metal like lead and bismuth and rise above into the atmosphere of Venus. But the temperature above in the atmosphere of Venus is very low as compared to the surface i.e. ranges from -43 °C to -173 °C.  As we go away from the surface the temperature decreases. So as the metal vaporizes and goes above in the atmosphere of Venus it condenses and gets back to the surface in the form of snow, which then covers the very top of the mountains present on Venus which looks like snow.. but it's metal particles.

a single day on venus is longer than a year on venus

A single day on Venus is longer than a year on venus..!! Yes,  a single day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus. Venus takes more time to rotate once in its axis as compared to completing one rotation (orbit) of the sun. Venus takes almost 243 earth days to rotate once around its axis, which is the longest time taken by a planet to complete one rotation in its axis in our solar system, while only ~224.7 earth days to complete one orbit of the sun. it spins very slowly and also spins in the opposite direction as compared to other planets.

Owls can’t move their eyeballs, as they don’t have eyeballs

Owls can’t move their eyeballs, as they don’t have eyeballs ..! Yes, you read that right. Owls can’t move their eyeballs as they don’t have eyeballs. Instead of eyeballs, they have tube shape eyes that are directly fixed on the bones named sclerotic rings. But in spite they can’t move their eyeballs, they don't have a problem looking around them, as they can rotate their entire head by about 270 degrees in any direction and by about 90 degrees up and down without even moving their shoulder !!! And if you ever have noticed owls, you might have noticed that owls have enormous eyes. By which, they can see objects which are far away from them easily but not those which are closer to them. They can also see clearly at night. And as they have a binocular vision they can focus on any object with very high depth precision as they can focus through both eyes at the same time on the same objects.

Hummingbirds can fly upside down , forward and backward

Yes, Hummingbirds can fly upside down, forward and backward. This is possible because of their rotator cuff i.e. the special ball socket joint where the wings are joint to the body. with the help of this, they can move their wing by 180 degrees and also in a motion similar to figure eight (8) or infinity (∞). This allows them to fly upside down and forward as well as backward. Their wings can flap at a rate of about 80 beats per second, and their heart rates can reach up to 1,260 beats per minute.

Caterpillars have 12 eyes, but they still can’t visualize colors

Caterpillars have 12 eyes, but they still can’t visualize colors. Yes, caterpillars have 12 eyes. On each side of the head, they have 6 eyelets, known as the stemmata or ocelli which are arranged in a semicircular manner. But these 12 eyelets only help them to differentiate between light and dark. Yes, they can’t visualize colors, shapes, or images. You might have noticed that caterpillars move blindly. These 12 eyelets also help them to judge depth and distance. However, there are some caterpillars also which can detect colors by their skin.

Octopuses have 9 brains

Yes they have 9 brains,t is in addition to the central brain, they have 8 brains more Which are used to control there arms . This is astheirlar a the microcontroller in addition to the main controller. In fact the central brain is o,f doughnut shape around the esophagus. The central brain just have to give the command to mini breathe-ins, and then mini-brain signs of each Armani-brainsdingly.

frogs dont drink water from their mouth

Yes, as humans Frogs don't drink water through their mouths. They absorb it through the ‘drinking patch’, which is located on the underside of a frog’s belly and thighs that allows them to absorb water through their skin. Like many amphibians, they are also able to absorb water and oxygens they need through their skin, which is porous. This porous skin not only helps them to drink water through it, but it also allows the gasses to pass through it. There is a species of frog known as Barbourula kalimantanensis found in Indonesia that has no lungs and only breathes through its skin.

Russia made a near-invisible ship know as a naval stealth Ship

Russia is building its first-ever naval stealth ship, which can make itself hard to detect. Yes, according to the Russian media report on June 8, 2021. Russia has been building the first-ever naval stealth ship that can make itself invisible from radar, which is expected to be delivered by the next year. Russia has made a lot of investment in its navy in recent years. The name of the ship is “Mercury naval corvette”. The hull of the Mercury naval corvette dubbed project 20386 has already been built, The ship is capable of searching and destroying submarines and can hide from radars, thanks to the radar-absorbing coating and its special shape. The ship is also armed with cruise missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and artillery.

It will take years, for photons (light ) to get to the surface from the core of the sun, but only a few minutes to travel to earth from the surface

It will take years, for photons (light ) to get to the surface from the core of the sun, but only a few minutes to travel to earth from the surface. Do you know why this happens..??? This is because the core of the sun is soo dense that even the photon (light ) has to struggle to get out of it. The core of the sun is about 150 g/cm3 (gram per centimeter cube  ), i.e. about 150 times greater than the density of water which also increases the gravitational pressure of the sun.  As we know Nuclear fusion reaction takes place inside the sun due to which we get the light energy i.e. the photons, and if you are a science student you might know that nuclear reactions are a chain reaction that repeats itself numerous times.  And as it repeats itself the direction of the reaction is never fixed. That means once the photon gets into the nuclear fusion reaction, it again gets stuck into the chain reaction number of times and the reaction goes on again and again. Where the direction of

world's fastest ant in ant family

The Saharan silver ant is the fastest in the world, found in the northern Sahara. Which can run at a speed of about 85 cm per second. Which is more than 100 times larger than their body size. To run at such a high speed their legs play a very important role, which is shorter as compared to other ants, which helps them to run faster as compared to other ants. And then another thing is they move their legs synchronously in a very unique way. They only move 3 to 4 of their 6 legs while running, which helps them run faster. And they can also endure a very high temperature, because of the tiny silvery hairs present on their back which reflect the sun rays, which act as a shed and protect them from the high temperature of the Sahara desert. 

woodpecker is a large tongue bird

Woodpeckers have tongue large enough that they can cover their entire head through it. This protects their brain from the pecking damage, and this long tongue also helps them to capture the hidden insects. Their tongue can be as large as 1/3rd of their body length.

earworm is the term for song in mind

Many of us have experienced the feeling , when a particular song gets stuck in the mind even if it is not played. This is actually a medical condition which gets triggered if you belong to a musical background or hear too much music, by hearing a particular word of that song or by any feeling attached to that song

Astronauts get taller in space as compared to on earth.

Astronauts get taller in space as compared to on earth. This is because of gravity. When astronauts are on earth the gravity shrinks them, as it is earth attracting us toward itself by the gravitational force. This gravitational force keep’s the astronauts or any other person looking shorter. But in space, there is no gravitational force. So in space astronauts grow taller as compared to earth. And get back to their original height when they get to earth.

we can not taste food without presence of saliva

Yes, we can't taste food without saliva. This is because to taste the food, the food chemicals must dissolve in your saliva first so that afterward the taste buds can detect the taste of the particular food.

tardigrades are the toughest animal on the planet earth

Which can survive in the freezing as well as boiling temperature. Which can survive in a vacuum as well and deep underwater. Can live without food for years.

Black diamond apple

Many of us have heard about the green and red apple, mostly yellow also but know there also a color of apple that exists! It's a black diamond apple, yes you read that right but they are not black as mention in its name but they dark purple and are shiny and have a very eye-catching texture, as beautiful as a diamond from the outside while they have the same whitish color from inside as like any normal apple. These apples are the breed of Hua Niu apples which were also known as the “Chinese Red Delicious.” Found in Tibetan, nyingchi, china. These apples are sweeter and crunchier than any other apple because they contain natural glucose more than a normal apple. This fruit is so rare and can be found only in a selective number of high-end supermarkets. These fruits are grown at an elevation of 3100 meters above sea level, which suit’s the perfect place for the apples to grow. Where because of the elevation and the temperature difference between the day and night are resp

There is an elephant spa in India

Yes as humans there is an elephant spa for elephants in Kerala, India 🇮🇳 at the elephant sanctuary named ‘aanakotta’(punnathur kotta) in Guruvayur. It is a 48 days rejuvenation camp for elephants. The elephants from private organizations, temples, and centuries came here for the rejuvenation camp, where they get a bath (twice a day ), they get a massage, they enjoy a healthy meal, medical treatment, and exercise like walking depending upon size and weight, everything in natural condition .these rejuvenation camps helps the elephants to get relax and heal themselves. The elephants are pampered here.

indian kabaddi team won each and every kabaddi world cup

The Indian kabaddi team has won all the kabaddi world cups held till now. The Indian kabaddi team has also won all the gold medals in all the Asian games to date except the 2018 Asian games.

cornea does not have any blood vessels

The cornea has no blood vessels. The cornea is nothing but a vital and transparent part of the eye that provides us most of our optical power and ability to focus, as there are no blood vessels the cornea receives nourishment from the tears and aqueous humor (a fluid in the anterior portion of the eye) that fills the chamber behind it. and it gets its oxygen directly from the air. the cornea is the fastest healing tissue of the human body, which can heal most of the problems within 24-36 hours.

one teaspoon of produtive soil contains 1 billion bacteria

One teaspoon of productive soil contains about 0.1 billion to 1 billion bacteria. out of which most are decomposers that consume simple carbon compounds. Bacteria perform some of the many important ecosystem services in the soil which include improved soil structure, soil aggregation, recycling of soil nutrients, and water recycling.

The largest postal network in the world is in India

yes, The largest postal network in the world is in India, there are almost 23 postal circles headed by the chief postmaster general. There are almost 1,55,015 post offices in India. There is also a floating post office in India situated in Dal Lake, Srinagar.

lake water in pink colour, yes it is possible

The "lake hillier" on middle island Australia is bright pink. According to the researchers, the unique pink color of the lake is due to the algae, halobacteria, and other microbes. The lake has a very high level of salinity. The water of this lake is as salty as the dead sea. The lake is safe to swim in, but you can't hop in the lake. The lake is about 600 meters long and 250 meters wide.

everyone lives in a building of this city

There Is A City In Alaska, Us Named As Whittier. Where Most Of The Residents Live Under One 14 Story Building Named As The "Begich Tower" The Building Is Almost 74 Years Old. It was originally used for housing for military families and bachelor officers during world war II. There’s a playground, a church, a post office, a clinic, two convenience stores, a police station, a video rental store, city offices, and a laundromat all in the same building.

Our moon has atmosphere called the exosphere

Yes, Our moon has an atmosphere called the exosphere. Although it is not like earth. This atmosphere doesn't provide any kind of protection to the moon's surface from the radiation in space, but it exists.

A glass or metal ball can bounce higher than a rubber ball

Yes , glass or metal ball can bounce higher than rubber ball. but only on the condition that in case of a ga lass ball the glass won’t break. This is because e a rubber ball absorbs energy, gets compressed and release back that energy again due to its elasticity, in releases of energy is wasted. Whereas glass and metal ball won’t get compressed and also are not elastic as rubber balls so due to this they will bounce higher than the rubber ball.

Pig’s cant look straight upward in sky.

Yes , Pig’s cant look straight upward n the sky, because of their neck muscles which are very short and straight shoulder muscles, aight and because of their spine, they can’t look directly straight in to the sky and more.

Saturn is so dense that it can float on water

yes,  Saturn is so dense that it can float on water. This is because Saturn is made mostly of hydrogen and helium and mostly gases. which are less denser than most though they can float on water .

Shaking ketchup makes it thinner

Yes , Shaking ketchup makes it thinner, this is because of some of the contents it contains which are Non-Newtonian fluids , which are those which can change their viscoepending upon how long, how hard, and how fast we push the liquid. In simple language, they are the fluids that can change their viscosity that Orce is applied to the breaking level. And when kept alone it gets harder again.

giraffes have the same number of neck bones as humans

Yes, giraffes have the same number of neck bones as humans. Humans and giraffes have the same number of cervical vertebrae. However, there is a difference in sizes, whereas giraffe bones are long in size up to 25 cm or 10 inches.

around to 2 million mosquitoes to kill an average human

Around 0.4 million to 2 million mosquitoes are required to kill you by sucking your blood. The average amount of blood suck by mosquitoes on a single bite is about 0.000005 part of a liter. And an average human body consists of about 5 liters of blood.  So by calculating it will take around 1 million mosquitoes to kill the person will 5 liters of blood in the body. Whereas the person will die before the mosquitoes suck the whole blood by blood deficiency.

we know earth, but who named it

You know no one knows who named our planet as -EARTH, Whereas we know its meaning, Which means the ground. But still who named it that, is unknown.