Owls can’t move their eyeballs, as they don’t have eyeballs

Owls can’t move their eyeballs, as they don’t have eyeballs ..!
Yes, you read that right. Owls can’t move their eyeballs as they don’t have eyeballs.
Instead of eyeballs, they have tube shape eyes that are directly fixed on the bones named sclerotic rings.
But in spite they can’t move their eyeballs, they don't have a problem looking around them, as they can rotate their entire head by about 270 degrees in any direction and by about 90 degrees up and down without even moving their shoulder !!!
And if you ever have noticed owls, you might have noticed that owls have enormous eyes. By which, they can see objects which are far away from them easily but not those which are closer to them.
They can also see clearly at night. And as they have a binocular vision they can focus on any object with very high depth precision as they can focus through both eyes at the same time on the same objects.



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