World's most expensive mango

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World's most expensive mango: the Miyazaki mango also knows as the “egg of sun” or ‘Taiyo no damage in Japanese. Miyazaki mangoes are one of the most expensive mangoes in the world which were sold at a price of almost ₹2.70 lakh per kilogram in the international market in the year 2020.
These mangoes were first grown in Japan in the city name ‘Miyazaki city ‘ on the island name “Kyushu” and now are widely grown in Southeast Asia. These mangoes are about 350g in weight and have 15% or higher natural sugar content, a very different appearance and color as compared to the other natural mangoes. 
They like flaming red ruby red and with a perfectly round shape with a very sweet taste and positive natural contents like it are rich in antioxidants, contains beta-carotene and folic acid and it also helps in improving vision.



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