The small curly hair-like shapes that we see on buddha's head are not hairs

The small curly hair-like shapes that we see on buddha's head are not hairs.
They are dry snails who sacrificed their lives to attain enlightenment to lord buddha.
Yes, you read that right. There is a small story behind this.
The great lord buddha who started the very oldest and very famous religion, "BUDDHISM '', was once meditating under a tree. It was a sunny day, and Buddha was deeply engrossed in his meditation. But as time passed, the temperature also increased, and soon the sun lined up on buddha's head. Even though lord buddha was meditating under a tree, the rays were coming directly to buddha's head. And the Buddhist monks used to make themselves bald to keep their body and mind as instructed in "Vinayaka Pitaka Granth " out of the "Tripitaka".
And it is believed that the time buddha was meditating under the tree, he was bald.
A snail passing from there saw Buddha and he noticed that the rays of the sun were falling directly on Buddha's head. The snail thought that if these rays kept coming on Buddha's head like this it could hurt Buddha and distract Buddha from meditation. So he decided to get on buddha's head so that the rays coming straight from the sun won't harm buddha and buddha can continue his meditation. And he did the same, and more snails came after him to help him, and to do the same. Then these snails died of dehydration but their lives were not in vain, they sacrificed their lives to attain enlightenment to lord buddha.



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