Did you know ants can become zombies

Did you know ants can become zombies ..!!
Yes, you read that right, scientists have found zombie ants in the Brazilian rainforests.
This is because of the species of fungus that takes control over the body of ants by infecting them.
This fungus starts eating the ants from inside and multiplies itself inside the ant's body and after some when the population of fungus is large enough to infect other ants it causes the ants to leave their colony by sending signals to the brain of ants as it hijacks its brain.
Later onwards despite doing normal activities the infected ant finds a suitable ideal place for the fungus to grow, they find a special leaf, then the fungus forces the ant to bite it with a "death grip," which causes the ant to die. Later on, this fungus gets onto the leaf by getting out of the ant's body and starts growing there and producing little seeds like particles known as spores. Which are then ready to infect other ants. If an ant gets in contact with them it gets infected and the fungus hijacks its brain.
If the ants don’t move to this location then the fungus won’t grow. This fungus only grows in the tropics.



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