cats can hear ultrasonic sounds, yes you heard that right

cats can hear ultrasonic sounds, yes you heard that right. where a typical human can hear frequencies between 20 to 20,000 Hz ( which can also vary if someone has that gift from nature) cats can hear frequencies ranging between 55 Hz to 79 kHz which is even better than dogs as well as humans. Cat's have a very unique ears design to draw sound into the ear canal, which allows them to hear at such high frequencies. Also, they have extremely sensitive hearing capabilities which are even best in the range of 500 Hz to 32khz. But this is not it, The external visible ear of cats which is known as pinna functions both to catch and amplify the sound up to 2 - 3 times for frequencies in between 2 to 6 kHz. They can even rotate their ear (pinna) forward, backward, and sideways to determine where the sound is coming from. This is possible because cats have almost 32 muscles in their ears by which they can move their ears independently and even rotate them up to 180 degrees.
But they don’t communicate with each other with this much high frequency, they use it to predict hunters.



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