
lifting all you legs at once, elephant can not do that

Elephants are the only mammals that can not lift all of their 4 legs at a time. Yes, you heard that right, Elephants are the only mammals that can not lift all of their 4 legs at a time in the air even while running also. Even sloths, hippo’s and rhinos can’t lift or jump and keep their 4 legs in the air but during running, they have all their four legs in the air. So, elephants are the only ones.

largest mosquito is about 0.71 inches

The worlds largest mosquitoes are about 0.71 inches or more in length Yes, The world's largest mosquito is about 0.71 inches or more in length and as well as about 0.98 inches or more in wingspan.  It is the Toxorhynchites, also known as the Elephant mosquito.

The world's second-largest search engine is youtube

Yes, Worlds second largest search engine is youtube. By the 2021 YouTube statistics, about 79% of internet users are there on youtube. Which used to watch more than one billion hours of videos each day. Where more than 70% of watch time came from mobile phones.

cost of 1 NASA spacesuit

Nasa’s space suit cost around 12,000,000 $ . Yes, NASA's spacesuit cost around 12 million dollars, where the backpack and the control module costs around 8.4 million dollars. Which without the life support backpack weight around 21 kgs.

hottest planet in space

Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system having a temperature of about ~471 °C. . This is because of the thick atmospheric layer of venus. Which doesn’t let the greenhouse gases run away out of the planet.

is there any alternative word for SOS

We can also use “mayday “despite some. Mayday is an emergency procedure world that is used internationally. Primarily it is used by aviators and mariners in emergencies.

antartica can't grow corns

We can grow corn anywhere except Antarctica. This is because corn is a warm-season annual plant that grows best in the air temperature in between 16 to 35°C. And in Antarctica, the minimum to maximum temperature ranges from −89.2 °C to 20.75 °C.

fastest sensory system of human body

Ears are the fastest sense of the human body. Yes, you heard that right among all the senses of the human body hearing is the fastest. We can recognize a sound in about 0.05 seconds.

The real diamond sinks while fake floats

This is one of the ways to tell that whether the diamond is real or fake at home. This is because reals diamonds are extremely dense while the fake is not. They will float on the top of the water or in the middle while real diamonds will sink completely.

whole population of the world can be compressed in tennis ball

If we remove all the space from the atoms of the human body of all humans on earth and if we join them firmly together then the entire population of the world can be fit in the size of less than the size of a tennis ball. This is because the atom consists of more than 99.99% of space.

Your mobile charger cost’s less than a rupee to charge your mobile phone per day.

Yes, indeed, mobile chargers don’t cost you more than 20-30 rupees a year . Here we are talking about the normal 5-watt chargers. Where if you charge your phone for about 2 hrs a day it will just consume 0.010 units or kWh of electricity. And if you charge your phone 2 hours a day for a year it will become 3.65 units which will cost around 20 rupees .

russia is so big that Pluto can be fit in it

Russia has near about equal surface area as Pluto. Whereas Russia's surface area is about 1.709×10⁷ Km² , While Pluto has near about surface area of about 1.779×10⁷ Km².

Normal water ice cubs are white while boiled water ice cubes are transparent.

This is because normal water contains the gases that make the ice block look whitish which are mainly oxygen and nitrogen. These gases form air bubbles inside the cube which make it look white. Whereas when we boil the water, the gases are released and we get a transparent ice cube.

what happens to fat cells.

When we lose or gain weight, our fat cells don’t vanish, they just get contracts and expands. They get a contract when the fat contents of the fat cells are used for making energy and expand again when the fat contents are restored. The waste product (mainly co2 and water ) is left when the contents of the fat from fat cells are used for generating energy for the body. Then are thrown out of the body by breathing, sweating, and urination.

Bananas are curved because of the sun

Yes, you heard it right. This happens due to the process called negative geotropism. negative geotropism is nothing but as its name suggests negative means opposite and geotropism means the gravity that simply means opposite to gravity. The process in which the plant parts grow opposite to the gravity is known as negative geotropism. Banana’s pulls themselves to the rays of sunlight that is coming from the big leaves of banana and at the same time gravity attracts banana down. In this process, not even the banana grows straight nor gravity completely attracts the banana towards itself, but in this process banana gets its smily curved shape.

Sahara desert was once a tropical rainforest

Sahara desert once was a tropical rainforest. The Sahara desert which is the hottest desert in the world right now was once a tropical rainforest, yes studies say that about 6000 years ago Sahara was a tropical rainforest covered with Greenland all over, with plenty of rainfall. but according to studies due to the rise in solar radiation, it turned into the hottest desert of the world right now.

World's largest turtles are leather back turtlles

Worlds largest turtles, the leatherback turtles The world's largest turtles are the leatherback turtles. That can grow up to 2m long and can weigh up to 900 kgs, and like other turtles, their back isn’t hard. it is made up of leather thus is called leatherback turtles, which is a little bit soft and flexible. Leatherback turtles are living on earth for more than 100 years.

Fat is also burned when we breathe deep

It is not completely true that fat is burned when we sweat. Actually when we take deep breathe most of the extra fat is burned at that time also. Because when we breathe deep, more amount of oxygen goes inside the body, and this extra amount of oxygen burns the extra amount of fat deposited on the body.

Glaciers are the largest fresh water reservoir

Glaciers are the largest reservoir of fresh water on earth. This is because among the 3 % of total freshwater available on earth, near about 3 quarter (~70%)of freshwater is in the form of Glaciers.

Why we shake hands..?

The reason behind it will make you laugh. It is because it’s the sign to show that the person you are shaking hand with is not holding any type of weapon in their hands and wants peace and not fighting. 

Our fingers don't have muscles

Our fingers don't have muscles(except the arrector pili muscles). Yes, our fingers don’t contain any muscles, in-fact the muscles that control the movement of the fingers are present in the palm and the forearm. The muscles used to close your hand is known as flexors, and the ones that use to open your hand are known as extensors.

cats can not recognise sweet taste

Do you want to know some interesting facts about a tourism? Just click on  cats .

four states at a time

There is a place in us where you can stand in four states at a time, names as the four corners. And the states are Utan, colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico.

pealed oranges sink while unpealed floats

These are because the upper covering of the oranges contains air bubbles, that make them float on water and don’t allow them to sink. White pealed oranges don’t have air bubble’s inside so they sink.

wind do not have sound

Yes, the wind do not have any sound. The wind is nothing but a mixture of gases that flow due to change in atmospheric pressure .wind’s on their own don’t have any sound but when they flow and came in contact with any other object there is friction, due to this friction we hear the sound and not the wind sound.

Why hippopotamus have pink milk and they live most of time in water

why Hippos milk is bright pink? This is because two different kinds of acids are secreted by their body. Those acids are the ‘Hipposudoric acid’ and ‘Norhipposudoric acid’ which are red and are present in their whole body, in the milk also. The color of the hippo’s milk is also white but as this acid gets mixed into it, it looks like pink to us. These acids are there to protect the hippo's skin from the harmful UV rays as they don’t have hairs on their skin to do the job And this is also the reason that hippos stay submerged in water, to keep their body cool and protected from the sun.

Oranges are largest citrus fruit in the world

Oranges are the largest citrus fruit in the world, they are an excellent source of vitamin C that not only boosts the immune system but also a good antioxidant. Vitamin C reduces the risk of colon cancer, asthma, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and so much more. Vitamin C also prevents colds and recurrent ear infections. They also contain dietary fiber which is also good for us.

Goats have rectangular eyes

This is because they are herbivores animals while eating green grass and all they have to also protect themself from the hunters, in which their eye plays a very important role. So that even if they are eating by laying their head down they can see the whole horizontal view.

vaccine tourism

Do you want to know some interesting facts about a tourism? Just click on  tourism .

The smallest country in the world

The smallest country in the world is only 0.2 square miles, It is the Vatican city that is situated on the western bank of the Tiber River.

Cats can’t recognize sweet taste

Yes, Cats can’t recognize the sweet taste, because, The sweet receptor is made up of two coupled proteins generated by two separate genes: known as Tas1r2 and Tas1r3 all cats, lions, tigers lack 247 base pairs of the amino acids that make up the DNA of the Tas1r2 gene. As a result, it does not code for the proper protein and does not merit the name gene, and it does not permit cats to taste sweets.

Peanuts can be used in making dynamite.

Yes, you’ve heard it right. Peanuts can be used in making dynamite. The oil which is obtained from peanuts makes glycerol, which in turn can be used to make nitro-glycerine, which is one of the explosive components of dynamite. However, there are other ways to create that component also.

The vaccine tourism ( trip to Russia with 2 doses of Sputnik V )

As we know in this pandemic where everything was lockdown, a very huge loss in revenue is faced by the tourism industry (i.e. in billions of dollars).  So to convert this pandemic situation into a great source of earning. The tourism industry came out with a very unique way, where after getting vaccinated you will not be lockdown at your home or hospital for 20-24 days, you will have a foreign tour to Russia in just 1-3 lack rupees with two doses of “Sputnik V “.A Delhi-based company offering a vaccine tourism package of 24 days in which every accommodation is included except the 10,000₹ for visa.

cyclone, typhoon or hurricane all are the same

  Cyclone, typhoon, or hurricane all have the same meaning All of them are nothing but a large-scale air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure. but the only difference between them is the location where they were formed.  In the southern Indian Ocean or the South Pacific, they are called tropical cyclones or severe tropical cyclones whereas “hurricanes” in the North Atlantic, the northeastern Pacific, the Caribbean Sea or the Gulf of Mexico, and Typhoons in the northwestern Pacific.

zoo jeans are new denim

The zoo jeans - costing near about 75000 rupees. There is a Japanese company known as a loft which is offering zoo jeans that cost around 75,000 rupees. In the zoo named Kamine Zoo in Hitachi, Japan, the denim fabric is wrapped around tires and given to the zoo animals to scratch it, bite it, and play with it however they want to. These jeans are then washed pretty intensely to get all the Eau de Lion off them. and used for making jeans. And then are sold for hundreds of dollars. The best part of this was, some parts of the benefit from jeans were used for animal environment preservation activities.

Scorpion facts

Do you want to know some interesting facts about a scorpion? Just click on  Scorpion facts .

It’s so easy for snails to crawl on sharp edges.

It’s so easy for snails to crawl on sharp edges . They can do these because they secrete a very thin layer of mucus that protects their skin from getting hurt from the edges and other obstacles.

Dogs are as intelligent as a 2-year-old child.

Dogs are as intelligent as a 2-year-old child , this might be the reason that small children are so attached to dogs. Dogs are also capable of reading and reacting to human body language and some special words or sounds also.

The scorpion can hold their breathe for about 6 days.

The scorpion can hold their breath for about 6 days . Yes, the scorpion can live without breathing for about 6 days. They are on the top of the list which can hold breadth for soo long. They can also live without food for about a year, and they glow in UV light.

Witzelsucht is a condition in which people can’t stop themselves from making jokes.

Witzelsucht is a condition in which people can’t stop themselves from making jokes. It is a pure and rare neurological symptom in which the person used to say baseless And pointless jokes and laugh over it 😂😂 . In this situation, the sense of humor of the person is altered.

The worlds largest plane is as big as two football stadiums.

The longest french fry was about 34 inches long.

The longest french fry was about 34 inches long found in BUFFALO, NY, USA.

Bubble gum wall

Hey guys, check out our new video  Bubble gum wall  on youtube and please like and share if you like.

Shampoo 💆‍♀️ is also from originated India 🇮🇳 .

Like the diamond and sugarcane shampoo is also originated from India 🇮🇳. The word “ shampoo ” comes from the Sanskrit word “ champu" , which means “ to 💆‍♀️ massage ". The first shampoo was nothing but some ground herbs 🌿 mixed with water 🌊. As we know we the people from India 🇮🇳 use a variety Of Ayurveda 🪴 from the very beginning, shampoo was also a part of it. The first effective shampoo was made by boiling Sapindus or soapberries with dried Indian gooseberry or Amla and the extract strained from it used as a shampoo 🧴 .

Largest number of vegetrains are found in India

20-40% of vegetarians of the world are found in INDIA. when it comes to the vegetarians, the country which ranked in the top position is my country i.e. “ INDIA ” 🇮🇳 It is found that the highest percentage of vegetarians is found in India which ranges from 20 to 40 %. which follows a strict vegetarian diet. I.e. around 3 to 54.64 crore people were found to be vegetarians in India 🇮🇳 . In INDIA Vegetarianism is so widely spread that even companies like KFC 🍗 also provide a vegetarian menu for restaurant patrons.

India is the largest produces of spices 🌶 in the worlds 🌍.

India is the largest produces of spices 🌶 in the world 🌍. India is also known as the home🏡 of spices🌶 . Around 70% of the world’s 🌍spices 🌶came from India 🇮🇳. Around 75 of the 109 😀spices are from India according to the ISO 📝(International Organization for Standardisation). Around 3010.17 productions in thousand metric tons of spices 🌶only came from Madhya Pradesh (MP) India 🇮🇳. The largest domestic market 📈of spices 🌶 in the world is captured by India 🇮🇳. The Top 10 importers of Indian spices in the fiscal year 2019 were the United States, China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Thailand, UK, UAE, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka. And the demand is rapidly increasing by 10% year to year.

India invented sugar from sugarcane sugarcane🍬.

India was the first country to refine sugar from sugarcane 🍬. India 🇮🇳 is also known as the home origin 🗺 of sugarcane and sugar. Around, 350 AD 🌍 Indians 🇮🇳 from the northern region discovered how to extract sugar from sugarcane. where every other country was enjoying the sweetness of the sugarcane, INDIA 🇮🇳 was the only country that refined ⛏🛠🏭sugar crystals 🧂 from sugarcane juice by boiling 🥵 it. And of course, the first 🥇country to use it also. India has an excellent 🥇background in the sugarcane industry 🏭. All over the world, INDIA stands at number 2 in the production of sugar from sugarcane, Brazil is on the top of the list.


Although like the sugarcane 🍬shampoos 💆‍♀️ , and many more, Diamonds 💎 is also on the list i.e. originated from INDIA 🇮🇳 . India 🇮🇳 was the first country who introduced diamond 💎 from mining ⛏ to the world 🌍 in the 4th century BC, and until the 18th century, India was the only country to mine and supply diamonds because everyone thought that diamonds are only found in India until they found in the shallow hill called Colesberg kopje🗺, where later Kimberly Mine was formed. And after that, they got spread around the world. At that time diamonds were only valued because of their strength, brilliance, ability to refract light and engrave metal.

The world’s largest sundial is located in India 🇮🇳.

The world's 🌍 largest sundial is located in Jaipur 🗺 , India 🇮🇳 . It is almost  27 meters (90 feet) tall having a truly impressive art 🖼 of architecture over it. Sundials are the instruments 🕰that were used to tell the time ⏰ from the 18th century 👩‍🌾 The name of the instrument is “Samrat yantra” which is a part of a very big collection of devices known as “Jantar Mantar” build for astronomy 🪐 , astrology, and measuring time 🕰. The device is telling time from almost the past 300 years. The Samrat Yantra is one of the largest and best-preserved of the ancient Big Observatories in India 🇮🇳. The sundial 🌅is so big that its shadow 👤 moves around 6cm every minute, which attracts tourists towards it.

we use only 1% of the total water available on earth.

We use only 1% of the total water available on earth. As We know, about 71% of the earth is covered by water of which about 96.5% is in the ocean, 2% is in the form of ice caps and the remaining is available in the form of fresh water in rivers, ponds, lakes, groundwater, etc. And from all these sources we use nearly about 1% of the total available water only.

shrimp's heart is located in the bottom of it's head

Shrimp's heart is located at the bottom of its head. The shrimp's heart is located in its thorax, which is just after the head. But both the head and the thorax are found in one exoskeleton only. It has three pairs of  heart  entrances. Through these entrances, blood comes to the  heart .

Paper made from trees can be recycled up to 6 times...!

Paper that are made from trees can be recycled up to 6 times. According to some industry estimates, the paper is made from the cellulose fibers i.e. extracted from trees can be recycled upto 4 to 6 times . After that the fibres starts breaking and are not good for making papers.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain and is the largest eye of any living land animal, which measures up to 5 cm (2 inches) in diameter.

Our nose and ears never stop growing in our whole life.

Our nose and ears never stop growing in our whole life. As we get older the maximum parts of the human body stop growing after one age. but some parts of our body like the noses, earlobes, and ear muscles keep getting bigger and never stop growing the entire life. This is because they are made up of mostly cartilage cells, which never stop growing and get bigger and bigger as we get older.

Human teeth are as strong as shark teeth

Human teeth are as strong as shark teeth!  although the size of the human teeth is not as big as the shark's teeth. but studies state that the human tooth is stronger than that of the shark's.