The vaccine tourism ( trip to Russia with 2 doses of Sputnik V )

As we know in this pandemic where everything was lockdown, a very huge loss in revenue is faced by the tourism industry (i.e. in billions of dollars). 
So to convert this pandemic situation into a great source of earning. The tourism industry came out with a very unique way, where after getting vaccinated you will not be lockdown at your home or hospital for 20-24 days, you will have a foreign tour to Russia in just 1-3 lack rupees with two doses of “Sputnik V “.A Delhi-based company offering a vaccine tourism package of 24 days in which every accommodation is included except the 10,000₹ for visa.



The "Scorpion venom" is the costliest liquid in the world, which costs around 39 million dollars (290.26 crore Indian rupees) a gallon or more than 10 million dollars a liter.

Caterpillars have 12 eyes, but they still can’t visualize colors

The small curly hair-like shapes that we see on buddha's head are not hairs