
Showing posts with the label space

Our moon has atmosphere called the exosphere

Yes, Our moon has an atmosphere called the exosphere. Although it is not like earth. This atmosphere doesn't provide any kind of protection to the moon's surface from the radiation in space, but it exists.

Saturn is so dense that it can float on water

yes,  Saturn is so dense that it can float on water. This is because Saturn is made mostly of hydrogen and helium and mostly gases. which are less denser than most though they can float on water .

we know earth, but who named it

You know no one knows who named our planet as -EARTH, Whereas we know its meaning, Which means the ground. But still who named it that, is unknown.

cost of 1 NASA spacesuit

Nasa’s space suit cost around 12,000,000 $ . Yes, NASA's spacesuit cost around 12 million dollars, where the backpack and the control module costs around 8.4 million dollars. Which without the life support backpack weight around 21 kgs.

Venus spins Clockwise

Venus is the only planet that spins Clockwise . No one have explanation for that, but a team of scientists from the French research institute Astronomie et Systemes Dynamiques have proposed a new explanation that, it always rotate in the same direction as other planet do , it just flipped it's axis by 180°.

Neutron star

The dense Neutron star,  A neutron star can spin 600 times in a second. They are formed when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses. Due to this collision every particles get attracted towards the core and a very densed neutron star is formed. 

Saturn rings

Saturn rings are made from ice particles. The rings of Saturn are the most vast ring system of any planet in the Solar System. Saturn consist of numbers of small particles, which are different in size from mm to m, that orbit around Saturn. Those ring particles are made of water, ice, rock and Dust particles. No one know how they are formed.